my name is David Pennywise. I will be your guide in this course.
I am very excited to help you learn more about this amazing city and the English language.
In this course, you will practice different tenses, which are very important for speaking and writing. You will also learn about some famous London sights and learn how to use the Tube. We will have fun activities about these things!
We will work with if-clauses too. They will help you talk about possible situations. Plus, we will look at relative clauses, which give more information about things and people, and learn a little about sports.
In the last section, you will find some exercises that deal with the passive voice, which shouldn't be too difficult, so please don't worry.
And guess what? There are some surprises waiting for you in this course! Let's discover them together.
I'm here to help you every step of the way. So, get ready for an exciting adventure.
Let's start learning and having fun!
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All about London (7/8)
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Welcome to London!
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