mooveBS Englisch-Creating a podcast episode (DQR 3)
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Creating a podcast episode
Podcasts are on everyone's lips these days and have become one of the most popular media formats. They inform and entertain their listeners regardless of what time it is or where they are.But how do you actually create a podcast episode? How do you plan a podcast episode? How do you write a podcast script? How do you record a podcast and then edit it?
In this learning project, you'll find answers to all these questions. You will create your own podcast episode - in English, of course, to expand the reach of your audience. This is much more challenging than it sounds at first. But if you follow the steps below, you will surely create an interesting podcast episode.And who knows? Maybe this episode will be the starting point for your own podcast channel...To do
Create a podcast episode of at least eight minutes on any topic. The podcast episode should cover an interesting topic and features of a podcast structure.Advance Organizer
Herausgeber: Land Baden-Württemberg, vertreten durch das Zentrum für Schulqualität und Lehrerbildung (ZSL), Heilbronner Straße 314, 70469 Stuttgart, Telefon 0711/21859-0,
Verantwortlich im Sinne des Presserechts: ZSL, Irmgard Mühlhuber, Ref. 24 "Digitalisierung, Medienbildung", Heilbronner Straße 314, 70469 Stuttgart, Telefon 0711/21859-240,
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