Digitale Version der UE

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Kurs: Interkulturelles Lernen mit Songs (USA) (11-13)
Buch: Digitale Version der UE
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Datum: Sonntag, 7. Juli 2024, 16:49

1. Songs USA

2. THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER (official national anthem)

video (1):  (with pictures) /// video (2):  (long version)


Background information:

-          Official national anthem since 1931; usually only the first part (ll.1-8) is sung.

-          Originally a poem entitled "The Defense of Fort McHenry".

-          Written by Francis Scott Key in 1814 during the War of 1812.

-          The verses tell of the Battle of Baltimore, a days-long siege between British and American forces

Message: celebration of patriotism; America = land of the free and the brave

However: controversial for various reasons

  • Francis Scott Key used to be a slaveholder
  • Lyrics very martial: for example l. 5, l. 10, ll.20ff., ll.28f. ( reference to the War of 1812, references to slavery; l. 5 can be misunderstood as an acceptance of rockets etc., also compare ll.28f.)

-          There are very specific rules (the “Flag Code”):

  • Everyone is expected to stand and face the flag; military personnel or veterans have to salute, all other people have to stand with the right hand over heart.
  • Singing is not obligatory, but it is highly encouraged.
  • In the past, changing (even embellishing) the anthem in a performance could be punished.
  • In most schools, students do not have to sing the national anthem every day, but are required to say the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of every day
  • The anthem has to be played before all important sports events, some associations like the NFL or NBA explicitly require certain forms of “respect” (In 2016, Colin Kaepernik was the first (NFL) player who was expelled for kneeling down as a form of protest (BLM) while the anthem was played.


  • (last accessed March 19, 2023); 
  • (last accessed March 19, 2023); 
  •,anthem%20in%20silent%20protest%20against (19/02/2023); 
  • (last accessed March 19, 2023); 
  • (last accessed March 19, 2023)

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3. AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL (“unofficial” national anthem)

-          Very patriotic song, praising the beauty of America; many people consider it the unofficial anthem.

-          It was first a poem written in 1893 by Lee Bates.

-          At least 70 tunes had been composed until Samuel A. Ward’s music was chosen in 1910. (with patriotic pictures)    

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4. GOD BLESS AMERICA (“unofficial” national anthem) (with lyrics)      

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5. AMERICA (© Michael Patrick Kelly, 2021)


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6. AMERICAN IDIOT ( © Green Day, 2004)

Listen to the song and watch the video:

  • Discuss the style of the music, the language, the main topics, the general message.

[1] subliminal = influences or messages affect your mind without you being aware of it

[2] faggot = offensive term for gay / homosexual

[3] Redneck =  a poor white person without education, especially one living in the countryside in the southern US, who has prejudiced ideas and beliefs

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7. GOD BLESS THE U.S.A. ( © Lee Greenwood, 1984)

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8. GOD BLESS THE U.S.A. ( © version by Beyoncé, 2011)

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9. © Eminem, 2002

© Gseman -

The first lines you have just read are from “White America” (2002), an autobiographical song by Eminem.                   

Read the info text before you go to step 2.

When Eminem released his first album in 1996, no one would have expected that he would become such a successful and influential artist. By now, he has won 15 Grammy Awards, 8 American Music Awards, 17 Billboard Music Awards, an Oscar Award and a lot more. [1]

He is said to have “conquered Black music” and “broken racial barriers”. In the 1990s, rap / hip hop was still dominated by Afro-Americans,  who often expressed their "underprivilegedness" with this kind of music. It had been unthinkable before that a white artist would use “their” style and become successful. But coming from an “underprivileged” family himself, Eminem became the first  (white) rapper who gave “a voice and lyrics to the disaffected and disadvantaged white families” (condescendingly referred to as “white trash”).

Despite all this, his reputation is quite controversial: while his rap music is mainstream now, he rather confirmed the general stereotype of the criminal gangster rapper genre by using offensive language at the beginning of his career.

[1] & & &

[2] dichotomy = a division or contrast between two groups or things that are completely opposite to and different from each other (OLD)

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10. IN AMERICA (© John Legend, 2017)

Step 1: Listen to the song:

  • Summarize the main message.
  • Then have a closer look at the lyrics and underline passages that prove your findings:

Use two different colors to highlight similarities and differences to one of the songs in 2., 3., 4. or 7. / 8.

Bonus task: Analyze the stylistic devices and their effect.

Step 2:

Discuss whether John Legend’s position – as presented in this song – corresponds to your own views.


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 © Gooseman -

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13. I LOVE THE USA (© WEEZER, 2016)


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