Interaktives Material (Komplette Einheit - Schülermaterial)

4. DOs and DON'Ts:

Human Rights by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 (C) by Nick Youngson: &  (


  • Culture, different generations, education, entertainment, environment, fashion, food, growing up, hobbies, music, news, parents, politics, religion, sports, stereotypes, study, travel,…
  • Different purposes: e.g. informing,  complaining, persuading your followers, sharing experiences, …



  • Catchy“ title to attract the readers’ interest (for example numbers: “four ways to…“; “The ten most important reasons for…“ or provocative questions: “Do you really believe in…?“)
  • Your name, the publishing date.


  • Try to attract the readers’ interest, for example with an intriguing opening sentence, an initial paradox, a controversy, an anecdote, an amusing story, provocative questions, …
  • Make clear why your issue is important, focusing on the purpose your blog entry should serve.

Main body:

  • It should capture and maintain the readers’ interests.
  • It should contain a clear position and perspective and be supported by credible evidence:It should contain complete thoughts which the reader can follow easily.
    • Give well-founded arguments and convincing reasons.
    • Give examples and refer to important facts to back up your arguments.
    • Refer to counterarguments and show that you can refute them.
    • Make sure you convey your opinion in a convincing way.
  • The text should be structured and divided into clear paragraphs with an organized logic (between paragraphs and within paragraphs)

Conclusion, salutation and CTA (call to action)

  • Sum up your position and your main arguments. Do not, however, use the same phrases again.
  • You can also give an outlook for the future, call your readers to action, or invite them to comment on your ideas, for example: Follow me. // Sign up. // Subscribe. // Learn more. //   Join us. //…; I‘d be quite interested in your opinion on the issue, post your comment!


  • Formal, semi-formal or informal, depending on the purpose and audience.
  • The tone (humoristic, sarcastic, etc.) depends on your audience and purpose.
  • In informal blog entries use the first person to address your readers personally.
  • Write clear sentences. Use linking words, but be careful with lengthy sentences:
  • Unlike German, English tends to use shorter sentences.
  • Follow a clear and logical structure and use paragraphs.
  • Use vocabulary that is appropriate for your target group and purpose.
  • Do not be rude or offensive
  • Do not use slang or confusing abbreviations


  • Bildungsserver Berlin-Brandenburg (2018):

Materialien zum selbstständigen standardorientierten Lernen in der gymnasialen Oberstufe im Fach Englisch – Text production:

  • Bildungsserver Hamburg / Bildungsserver Niedersachsen / Uni Leipzig:

Hinweise für Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie Lehrkräfte zur Textsorte blog im schulischen Kontext im Aufgabenteil Sprachmittlung:

  • Cornelsen:

Context (2022): S.300ff.

  • Hamilton College:

  • Österreichischer Bundesverlag Schulbuch GmbH & Co. KG:

Prime Time 5 + Prime Time 6 (2017): Beiblatt.